Sunday, 17 August 2008

El Director's Worst CWP's

My mind is far to Swiss Cheesed to go onto the deep and meaningful, which I will do on Wed. So instead, I will do something easy. A list of the top 3 and bottom 3 CWP webisodes:

Bottom 3:


Not really my finest moment. A poor imitation of Ren and Stimpy. Not a total failure, but just not very good.


Again, another parody, this time of the Mac vs PC ads. So poor that I issued an Apology

1)A Short Sketch

This is by far, the worse CWP episode ever. I have never liked it, in fact, in the DVD screeners that I hand out, I normally do not include this webisode. Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. But most of all, the script was just plain awful.

Tomorrow, my favourite CWP's!

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