Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Christmas Finally Ends...or does it?

Here in the Duke household, we really know how to eke out Christmas. We take the twelve days of Christmas very seriously. For us, Christmas Day is but the start of a long and laborious process of International Phone Calls, the continuation of 'last minute postage' and the sheer mounts of food eaten. The advantage of relatives living abroad is that lte received Christmas cards have a viable excuse (they were lost in the post). The other bits and bobs that are sent include parcels of fruit cake and hard currency, wired in a matter of minutes so that relatives abroad can enjoy their Christmas splurge. Honestly, sometimes I think it would be more cost effective to jet off to the country for a few days and hand out all these gifts rather than write/phone/post/wire to them.

Of course, to make it more complicated, there are two countries involved, Seychelles (mama) and Sri Lanka (upa). That means co-ordinating with two different time zones when calling. Plus the fact that everyone is at church on those days. Then there are the ones in this country.

Thank goodness for New Year's and the Epiphany, when it gets a lot more quiet. Happy New Year everyone!

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