Monday, 30 March 2009

Final Day of Shooting (2)

Well, yesterday was one very long shooting day, pretty much a 9-6 job and to be honest, if the light had lasted, it could have gone on for longer, but being a daytime shoot, it was kind of impossible to stretch the sun. Plus, I did not start earlier, due to everyone coming in by public transport on a Sunday morning. I despise the TfL way of thought on Sundays.

Anyway, it was an emotional day for me as a director. After two and a half years, that was the end of the short films/webisodes for CWP. There are no more ideas in my head in a short type of way. My thoughts are now turned towards a feature film, towards a movie, towards the BIG ONE.

I am thinking big and ambitious, but I believe that so far, while I am taking a huge leap, that may not succeed, it is a good time to leap. It is a calculated jump, but not without its risks. Sometimes you fall and sometimes you make it. What will happen, where CWP will be in a few months let alone a year, I cannot tell you. But join me on this adventure, on the ups and downs, through and around the film making world. And we shal find out!

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