Friday, 1 August 2008

Knife Crime

Hell, we have all had our two cents on the debate, and one of my first articles for OhmyNews where I predicted the rise in violence unless something was done. Of course, this year, the newspapers are fulled with reports of knife crime and one of my colleagues on the Nightbus last week had a knife incident on his vehicle while driving. So far, I have been lucky not to be a direct victim of knife crime, but it is only matter of time until something happens to me that is way too close for comfort.

Yes, I am p***ed off with knife crime. I feel utterly helpless about it. And I despise te people carrying those weapons. But what more can I do. Well, I tried an article, that did not work. I tried a Radio Show and that still did not work. So I am trying a short film, and let's see how that works:

Comedy maybe a solution...

My Article for OhmyNews in January on Knife Crime

Caution Wet Paint takes on Knife Crime: A Video

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