Saturday, 18 October 2008


All right, this morning I am exhausted, so a quickie here. Finished the CWP Feature Script, Now, when I mean finished, I was actually rewriting it. The first draft of the script was written in 2006. During 2007 I rewrote the script twice, mainly corrections and rounding the characters. This year, I was in Seychelles and that was a major rewrite. But the script got very bloated by then - 109 pages (if one page equals one minute of film time, that is a little too long) and six songs. Something had to give.

But before I went into the script, I had to sort out the songs. Give the lyrics a rhyme and get a rhythm to the pieces. That was started in August and it took two months to rewrite all the songs. There is a reason why I am not a poet. Then came the actual re-write, but in this case, it was more of a cut. Scenes were slashed left, right and centre while two songs were dropped. However, it has left a much leaner script. After the family reads it, I will be farming it out to the cast to garner their opinions.

Right, too tired (cmd)


Anonymous said...

I like it!!! Where is my bottle of milk then u want my address?!

Anonymous said...

Have been looking forward to this one...can't wait to see it in production...