Thursday, 25 June 2009

Now what?

That's it. It is official. Two days of rendering, burning DVD's, correcting last minute mistakes and then wholesale re-cutting of the pice has left me feeling kin od numb as I have actually finished editing Jay and Kay Save the World, which for anyone who has just joined us, is the very first outing of Caution Wet Paint in HD. It is my film festival offering for 2009-2010, and at ten minutes long, it is pretty impressive for a short film. I rather look at it as a featurette rather than just a mere short.

Anyhow, what now? Well, first send off the films to film festivals whose deadlines are fast approaching. That is the priorty. Thankfully, my preparation in terms of press packs and posters earlier this month really means that I can drop the letter in the mailbox and let it et to the festivals. A lot of the groundwork is already done.

Next send a bunch of DVD's to the cast and crew and open the swearbox in order to meet up with everyone again.

But it is a weird feeling. This film has been in the planning since late summer last year and part of the sequences were shot in October, some nine moths ago (although the main shooting took place in March). That means, for the best part of a year, Caution Wet Paint has been my life.

So what now? Do I go onto another project? Hell no. Here comes the hardest part. To continue with Caution Wet Pant, but this time follow it up with marketing alongside distribution to festivals. Now this is the tricky bit. How do I market? Well, like all aspects of film making, I am learning as I go along. Slowly, but surely, I will figure this one out. But definitely is to spruce up and update our website, which I have already begun to do...

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