www.cautionwetpaintmovie.com ...lick the bottle...
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Monday, 30 March 2009
Final Day of Shooting (2)
Anyway, it was an emotional day for me as a director. After two and a half years, that was the end of the short films/webisodes for CWP. There are no more ideas in my head in a short type of way. My thoughts are now turned towards a feature film, towards a movie, towards the BIG ONE.
I am thinking big and ambitious, but I believe that so far, while I am taking a huge leap, that may not succeed, it is a good time to leap. It is a calculated jump, but not without its risks. Sometimes you fall and sometimes you make it. What will happen, where CWP will be in a few months let alone a year, I cannot tell you. But join me on this adventure, on the ups and downs, through and around the film making world. And we shal find out!
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Final Words on the Final Day of Shooting
The final day on set can be emotional, it can be a lot of hard work, but mostly, until the final few minutes, everyone knuckles down and gets ready for the hard work that is ahead. The final day is always a slave drive of a day, as no one wants to come back for re-shoots. It is an all or nothing day, and one that I am looking forward too as a director...
Saturday, 28 March 2009
A director's dream...
Friday, 27 March 2009
La Producer: Behind the Camera Lens for CWP!!
Jay and Kay Above
Hello! I hope all our lovely readers are well!
Ok I thought I would give our readers a teaser of what is to come in our new Caution, Wet Paint short 'Jay and Kay Save the World'. The last day of filming will be on Sunday, and it will be our first film festival offering for over a year ( since our last one - 'Caution Wet Paint: What Really Happened at The Bus Stop')
It has beeen fun to be a part of the process and I have really enjoyed working with such a fun cast, crew and El Director! Everybody has worked hard on the proect and we look forward to showing you the finished product!
Enjoy the photos...see if you can work out what Jay and Kay are up to this time...

OMG Captain Gold Top! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo He has come to take us as his slaaavess on the Planet Plov!
La Producerxx
Thursday, 26 March 2009
The Joys of Duck/Gaffer Tape!
Watch the Video by clicking here!
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
A little evolution...
So the new CWP Website became a lot more streamlined. Just four places where you can catch us. Maybe this is internet suicide, but at the time I felt that anymore and I would be spending more time on the internet than actually making films...
But, the website itself has changed. We have taken on Jay's comic book persona (hey, I liked the template) for the new short film 'Jay and Kay Save the World'. But I have also added some new links here and there. Go on, check out the CWP Site; you'll see a new section, yep, that's right, click on the top of the page and you will see a brand new behind the scenes section. Well, I figure that it is good to invite you all round to see what exactly happens both on and off the set...

Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Scratch Editing
Here's one pic from the rough stuff...

Jay, Kay, and a wrench covered with duck tape...what more could a director ask for?
Monday, 23 March 2009
Mid way through Production...
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Ari Gill on comedy
However when you’re performing a comedy act, it’s not so easy. In fact I find it very difficult because you have to be funny. You have to entertain. You have to enjoy yourself. And in order to do this...you have to rehearse...you have to plan...you have to build loads of energy...you have to locate a rhythm and expression which is comfortable to you and deliver!! Until next time...be safe and look after yourselves
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Friday, 20 March 2009
'Tom' took away my innocence...

Now, let us be frank here, no one really uses myspace anymore. For me, it is just a default, a copy and paste job from blogger that keeps the account alive. Note, that myspace is all about copy and paste, not about adding new material. If I want to add a status update, I do it on twitter, like the rest of humanity. Even Gimpbook allows updates via twitter, hell, even my our own website allows us to receive updates from Twitter. Why, in this fast content, lazy user orientated net world, do I have to put in a different update just so the three people who happen to stumble upon this entry on myspace (hello guys!) do not realise that I am procrastinating on my computer.
Oh well, now I have finally updated my profile on myspace I expect to be hit by the rush of new savvy websurfers eager for the latest on CWP. And what better way to treat you all, then with a sneak peak behind the scenes...
(If you click this link on myspace it will take you to an unscrupulous website that will hack into your computer and melt your processor! If you are on any other website, it will link directly into the youtube video embedded in this blog post).
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Frame by Frame (1a)
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
The Swear Box...

As you saw in The Gofer's post, he is looking forward to seeing me fill up the swearbox. Now, there is a reason I agreed to the swearbox, and it is not as a money spinner for the crew. It is to try and make me a better director. It is very easy to start shouting and swearing at the cast and crew for getting things wrong, but with a swearbox looming in the background (and 50p a pop), I actually have to be aware of what I am doing on set.
The swearbox also slows me down, but in a good way. It actually makes me think before I speak and before I act. It is god to shoot quickly, but sometimes, it is also necessary to shoot carefully...
Monday, 16 March 2009
dean (THE GOFER)
Yesterday we had a run-through on a couples of scenes but the BIG thing was charlie didn't swear.......... (much) and if you know him it's a big thing, but next week is when the hard work starts, it will cost him a bag load of (£) and i will be laughing myself silly.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Saturday, 14 March 2009
When I have landed a job, and once the director has sent me a copy of the script, I print of the script and read through it, taking notes on any part in which I think they might need any special make-up requirements. The second step I take, is I arrange a meeting with the director and discuss any ideas he might have regarding any hair/make-up/wig requirements; as well as talking about my own ideas, which I have noted down next to the part on the script.
After the meeting; if there are any special products needed, I tend to go to Charles.H.Fox which is on Tavistock street in covent garden and buy the products needed for the shoot (always remember to keep the receipt to give to the director or producer so they will be able to reinburse you of the spenditure)
It is always easier for yourself if the director can send you any pics of the cast, that way you can create a face chart of the design according to the cast member/ character.
The last and final step...production, personally I always prefer to try and get to the location at least 15mins before my own personal call time, since I like to take my time setting up.
Friday, 13 March 2009
Great Conversations...
Ad you'd be surprised at the things people spew out from the mouths. Unintentional, snippets of conversation that coat my ear canals. But sometimes, something very amusing comes my way. And that is when I pounce, and write it down. A piece of paper, a book, whatever. It is written down and collected. I have stacks o conversation snippets, lying in wait, for the day when eventually they appear on a script.
'Caution Wet Paint' written by London.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Crew Rehearsals
One of those moments of madness came in the script I wrote. It called for an upside down Union Jack to be unfurled behind Jay during the short film Jay and Kay save the World.
Now, when I wrote this, I thought this would be a funny thing to put into the background. As the time came nearer for shooting, I actually spent minutes lying awake in bed trying to figure, firstly, how to procure a flag and secondly, how to actually get the thing to unfurl.
Well, thankfully I know someone who owns a few Union Jacks. But the second, well, that was a bit trickier.
Well, I managed to figure it out. And you can see the result here:
(By the by, I quite like the new ident at the end)
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
La Producer: Behind the Camera Lens
Above: El Director on Set of The Railway Tracks
Hello Bloggers!
La Producer here - I hope all our lovely CWP readers are well and enjoying the latest installment of fun from the CWP set!!
Reflecting on the yesterday's blog in the week of Jay and Kay on set dancing to our upcoming production 'Caution Wet Paint: Jay and Kay Save the World', I thought I would share with you what the set can typically look like whilst filming.
When we began filming, I was always amazed at how the El Director performed several magic tricks to hide the commotion and make it appear as if there was only the main character (being filmed) on set!
So I present to you the set of another of our films
The Railway Tracks
El Director at the helm with Kuldip Nandola
Kuldip Nandola
El Director and Kuldip Nandola at The Mainframe of Caution, Wet Paint and Babarouge
SO with a little stardust from El Director and El Maestro, here is the finished product:
The Railway Tracks
La Producer xx
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
The beginnings of a great dance...
(Trying so hard not to give away the story...)
View the milky fun here!
Monday, 9 March 2009
Rehearsals - Day 1
View rehearsals here!
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Ari Gill on CWP (Part 2)
Greetings everybody! It's me again...so anyway, once we wrapped up our first day on Caution Wet Paint, I had to attend an audition call for another low budget feature in Central London shortly after. So, Charles kindly offered to give me a lift to the venue himself which I’d really appreciated as I was beginning to feel exhausted from the night before and therefore was in no condition to drive quickly within the time frame...especially when it was raining hard that Sunday.
Once I’d arrived, I gave it my all in that audition room because I liked the material and knew exactly what my motivations to this character ought to be and this really impressed the director a lot when I was done. But unfortunately after a few days they changed their attitude and decided not to cast me in their production... so there you have it!
Until next time...be safe and look after yourselves!
Saturday, 7 March 2009
so tomorrow...
Friday, 6 March 2009
Less Panic?
And so this Sunday marks the first day that Ari and Kuldip are coming down for a rehearsal. And I hope to be slick that day, although inevitably there will be a lot of faffing, that is why there is a rehearsal.
And while the camera will be out and about, this is really a chance to see how the actors are rather than utilising the footage. However, you just never know how things may turn out...hence why everyone must be in full dress. Sometimes the best shots are completely accidental.
(el d)
Pre Production - Panic
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
La Producer: An Introduction
According to my favourite resource on the internet, (The Free Encyclopedia!), the role of a film producer is to 'create' the set conditions for making a movie...
...the producer is also involved with fundamental matters such as funding...

...arranging for distributors...(eeeeek!)

...hiring staff...

...the producer is also involved with every aspect of the film-making process and its completion
...and finally its creative process...

Hey what about the co-producer?!!
I hope you have been enjoying the journey of the 'Caution Wet Paint' webisodes, films and our great cast and crew. If you have not already, why not Step into Our World.
La Producer xx
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
dean watts (the gofer)
just want to talk about myself for a second. i am, as the nickname said, the gofer for charlie.
i run around for him, help him with any problems in sort his personal punch bag.
i 've worked with charlie before and have learned a lot...like...not to mess-up...and always wear a good pair of running shoes.
Running around Town
But I have to admit, I have never felt this sociable in ages...
Oh, and of course, I never forget my vlogging...