Saturday, 20 June 2009

Twittering for the Paint

I do not know how it happened, but somehow, about a year or so ago, Twitter and movie making became linked to the world of Caution Wet Paint. Now, twitter will probably go the way of facebook. In fact this week I already mentioned that I was getting bored of the web application. So be it, the next 'thing' will need to be found. While I may slack on my blog or video contributions, I do enjoy doing them. However, while the initial thrill of twitter was quite fun (especially with my short attention span), it is pretty limited in what it actually does. Still, why not tell people in 140 characters of less that I am going to the toilet...

Anyway, here are my favourite 'tweets' of the last month...

1) am i bored of twitter?

2) mousetrap!

3) thank goodness for tea!

(it must be noted that many of el director's tweets involve tea...)

4) heathrow overhead meakes sound editing difficult

5) could it be...check-mate!

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