Friday, 18 September 2009

El Director's Milk Preferences

I like milk. I've made that quite clear during the whole run of CVWP. I drink the stuff on an almost daily basis. Last week, by a freak of supermarket sweeping, I inadvertently bought full fat milk instead of the usual supply of skimmed and semi-skimmed. While my tea tasted decidedly more 'Indian' as a result of the richness of the milk in it, the real treat was just drinking the milk pai9n. Normally after work, there is nothing i like better than a glass and a half of milk (not a famous milk chocolate brand's worth) before hitting the sack.

This week I am backed to the skimmed/semi-skimmed variety. While my tea has gone back to normal, I simply find that drinking this watered down milk and abomination on my palette. Sigh...

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