Sunday, 29 August 2010


This blog has been shockingly patchy. Well, for good reason - I have been promoting 'Caution Wet Paint' at festivals. I will be off again on Tuesday, this time to Hungary to promote Caution Wet Paint in Budapest. My second jaunt to the former Eastern Bloc, and not only will the adventures of Jay and Kay be screening on a huge cinema screen, I will also be in the beautiful surroundings of Hungary's capital. A double treat of movies and sightseeing.

When I get back, I will report fully on what I saw and experienced in both Strasbourg and what I will experience in Eastern Europe.

It is weird doing so much work on Jay and Kay Save the World again after so many months have passed, but such is the nature of film. Plus, I am enjoying it like crazy, revisiting those two crazy characters and their mad antics.

So for those who will not be in Budapest, here is the trailer of the short just to remind you all of what i out there at the festivals!

Now off to BUSHO, and the next film festival. Caution Wet Paint screens at:

Time: Friday September 3rd at 2:15pm and Saturday 4th September at 1:15pm.

Venue: The VÖRÖSMARTY MOZI Cinema, 1075 Budapest, Üllői út 4, Hungary. Nearest tram/metro - Kalvin ter M.

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