Time passes and once again all good things come to an end...and this was one hell of a festival. The people loved our little film - and we were the only film in the festival to get an applause from the audience. The humour translated well into a different culture and in fact it has given me a new impetus with regards to Caution Wet Paint. The future is bright, the future is milky...
And so I bought a ticket out of Budapest. The beautiful Keleti Pályaudvar was to be my final sight of this great capital. A ticket out to a different city, to a different country, a new destination. But I felt that I was leaving something behind. Something fun and joyous - a moment in my life that I would not be able to recapture. Budapest was special to me, in so many ways. It was a place where I got to interact with audience, film makers and festival organisers as an equal. I was able to learn so much from this fantastic festival. A lot was put into the organisation of BUSHO, and I got a hell of a lot out of it! What I learned from Budapest has accelerated my film making more than any other festival or seminar in my small film making career.
But it was not all filming. There were little gems hidden in the streets and the backwaters of the city. Some are more popular destinations, littered with tourists, others are parts reached by the many.
And culture that is so accessible. In London, we are so consumed by our own petty lives, that we rarely take time out to enjoy the city. Even here in Budapest, I did not spend as much time as I wanted immersed in the local culture. Budapest is a beautiful city, and a wonderful place to spend a few days. I spent a week here, I wish it was a lot longer. But like all good things, they must come back to an end. Already, I have been back for two days in London, and I remember very little of my life in East Europe. The sights, the smells, even the currency now a long and distant memory. Travel is great for the sould but it can also be heartbreaking when you leave. And that is what I feel about Budapest. However, I now will never get Budapest and Bucharest confused as I did in the past. Two wonderful cities, and as I left Budapest onward to the Romanian capital, my journey was tinged with a little sadness. I do not cry, but inside, I wept as I left this wonderful city. Thank you BUSHO and thank you Budapest for the memories and the wonderful time that I spent here. And I hope one day to return, a little bit wiser (hopefully) and a lot more successful (the dream)...
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