Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Butchering the Secondaries


Now, I actually do not know what I am doing while I am correcting the colour for my short film. Which is why I have decided to go, for the first take, along the path of the 'butcher of brightness' and all such technicolour marvels. Luckily, being an experimental short in itself, I have taken some liberties with my first attempt at Colour Correction. By tonight I would have finished the 'butchered version' and then it will be onto the (much more difficult) subtle colour variation.

Anyway, Secondary Colour correction is much more detailed. Primaries affect the whole shot, secondaries, the part of the shot you want to affect, either a particular part, or if the shot is moving, a particular colour grain(s). It is more subtle, but distictly noticeable, especially when in HD:


Anyway, enough geekery, I'm off to finish it off!


Anonymous said...

Yeah... i loaded them into a new window and did a side by side comparision - its got just that "touch" more sparkle to it, probably something you might pick up more within the context of the film rather than just an isolated shot.

Caution Wet Paint said...

agreed, that shot was particularly subtle. as you can see from 'your version', i had some tripping fun with 'le correction'