Friday, 20 March 2009

'Tom' took away my innocence...

Ah, it has been a long time since I have even mentioned Tom, the loveable rogue from myspace. But he thought of me today, by sending me a message telling me about the wonderful thing called the status update.

Now, let us be frank here, no one really uses myspace anymore. For me, it is just a default, a copy and paste job from blogger that keeps the account alive. Note, that myspace is all about copy and paste, not about adding new material. If I want to add a status update, I do it on twitter, like the rest of humanity. Even Gimpbook allows updates via twitter, hell, even my our own website allows us to receive updates from Twitter. Why, in this fast content, lazy user orientated net world, do I have to put in a different update just so the three people who happen to stumble upon this entry on myspace (hello guys!) do not realise that I am procrastinating on my computer.

Oh well, now I have finally updated my profile on myspace I expect to be hit by the rush of new savvy websurfers eager for the latest on CWP. And what better way to treat you all, then with a sneak peak behind the scenes...

(If you click this link on myspace it will take you to an unscrupulous website that will hack into your computer and melt your processor! If you are on any other website, it will link directly into the youtube video embedded in this blog post).

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