Sunday, 31 August 2008

Vlog 365 and the Canary Wharf Film Festival

Unlike America, Vlogging, hell, blogging has not really taken off in the UK. The Internet is seen as something geeky, still, something to be a bit ashamed of. A uniquely British concept, to be ashamed of something that we use everyday for our own essential use!

Anyways, I digress. If you have not check it out, why not?

The Vlog 365 Project!

Click on the above link! Watch and learn. It is a fantastic project that has really captured the imagination, and I believe it is a first in British internet history. To vlog, everyday for a year.

There are other year long vlog projects going on youtube. To name a couple of my favourites:


It is a toughie to do, and a year long commitment can be hard, but the value is immense. A year of the highs and lows of people's lives, recorded...

One of the many Vlogs on Vlog365


In addition, the Canary Wharf FIlm Festival is up and running so be there! I will be down tomorrow for the music vids and most importantly, the Documentaries! I hope to see you there, ad if s, come up and say hi.

(Nearest tube Canary Wharf (Jubilee) / West India Quay (Docklands Light Railway).

Friday, 29 August 2008

Lucky Number 57


I just wanted to let all of you lovely readers that our 'Caution, Wet Paint' youtube channel has been awarded with the honour of being the 57th most viewed comedians on youtube!

THANK YOU to all of the viewers and fans. A massive thank you to Dom - DJE 179 and Vlog 365 for the airtime - subscribe to them! And a big thank you to Mary who runs 'M-Express' - she gave us a huge double page spread on her magazine so thank you!!! To show my appreciation, here is a little vlog.

Keep watching...a new CWP webisode - 'Ice Hockey' will be out soon!

La Producer xx

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Yo! Jay...

Here at CWP towers, it's not just about the dancing and the milk. It's also about the luuuurve - grrrrr!

Yours truly...

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

CWP attempts to provide irreparable psychological damage

As Nikki (goodness bless her little cotton socks) allowed us to use and abuse her music for our pleasure:

Abusing Music.

We thought it would only be fair to answer her call for irreparable psychological damage:

Request for assault on mind.

And of course here is our appropriate response:

CWP attempts to provide irreparable psychological damage...

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Vlog365 - The Quiet Vlog

Shh - it's a silent vlog today.

The quietest vlog in the world...ever!

Shh, its message is powerful yet distinct in subtleness.

Hush, silence is golden...

The quietest VLog ever!

Monday, 25 August 2008

Shooting today

Oh man, it is too early in the morning, far too little sleep and I am shooting (unprepared) today.

I am exhausted.

On a god note, last night, I was at the 'Unforgettable' concert. For those who want to know more about it, google it. There ain't no free links on this page, but it was good.

(el d. needs sleep...)

Sunday, 24 August 2008

A few facts about El Director!

I was roaming the blogging world, something I have not done in a few days, and came across this gem on the Girl's blog.

(And if you don't know who she is, then you've got to stay in more)

So here is a list, a few things about me!

1. My uncle once: Drank stagnant water. In fact he had to do that a number of times as a result of the war in Sri Lanka. He is still alive and healthy!

2. Never in my life: Have I been on the inside of a film school.

3. When I was five: I wanted to be an astronaut on Mars. Then I realised that I would have to be good at maths.

4. High (Secondary) school was: Crap. To this day I use none of the 'skills' taught to me from my education. A waste of the first 18 years of my life.

5. I will never forget: 8th April 1997

6. Once I met: John Prescott. In passing.

7. There’s this girl I know: And who I would like to know better.

8. Once, at a bar: My friend vomitted on another friend. Put me off drink after that.

9. By noon, I’m usually: Sleeping. It's the night-shifts.

10. Last night: I was driving the Night Bus.

11. If only I had: Money...What else am I going to reply to this? Love, Faith, Hope? Please, I'm a Londoner first and a Human Being second.

12. Next time I go to church: it will probably be Saturday, if I am good.

13. What worries me most: Is that I would have wasted the best years of my life on a pipe dream called film making.

14. When I turn my head left I see: Sofa.

15. When I turn my head right I see: Sofa (ah - the advantage of a laptop!)

16. You know I’m lying when: I ***** ** ********. If you know me, then it is easy to tell. If you don't then it is difficult to spot.

17. What I miss most about the Eighties is: Ducks.

18. If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be: Mercutio. I blame Baz Luhrmann for that one.

19. By this time next year: I will be earning a living from my films and hopefully be onto shooting my second feature.

20. A better name for me would be: El Director!

21. I have a hard time understanding: Other people's points of view.

22. If I ever go back to school, I’ll: never go back to school.

23. You know I like you if: I stare at your tits.

24. If I ever won an award, the first person I would thank would be: Mama. Closely followed by Oli.

25. Take my advice, never: take the easy option.

26. My ideal breakfast is: Curry. Something meaty. Then sex.

27. A song I love but do not have is: 'I like Milk' a yet to be penned number by Nick Peck.

28. If you visit my hometown, I suggest you: take out a small mortgage. London costs ya!

29. Why won’t people: smile.

30. If you spend a night at my house: prepare to spend it awake...

31. I’d stop my wedding for: a divorce.

32. The world could do without: the British climate.

33. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: eat one.

34. My favourite blonde(s) is/are: I am not really a blonde kind of a guy. Sorry, Black hair is my thing.

35. Paper clips are more useful than: staples?

36. If I do anything well it’s: writing. Man, that's really vain.

37. I can’t help but: pick my nose.

38. I usually cry: never. It is a really bad thing and there is a lot of pent up emotion here.

39. My advice to my child/nephew/niece: live YOUR life!

40. And by the way: Lick the Bottle!

Saturday, 23 August 2008

The Environment?

Vlog by Kuldip about the environment

Will will also be discussing this on Monday on Blog TV at 3pm London time (14:00 GMT, 19:30 India, 10:00 EST).

Friday, 22 August 2008

Voice Overs

I hate the soud of my own voice. Hell who doesn't (ironic since I have a radio show, but never mind, but I realy hate when I have to do Voice Overs. Now this is not a voice over for an advert, but for my own shorts. Yeah, I really hate doing those. Voice Overs. And of course, added to my usual bout of procrastination, editing takes that much longer...

Thursday, 21 August 2008

El Director loves his bicycle!

Most of the readers of this blog are not cyclists. Not in any conventional way, such as going to work, to the shops or going out. Most people, the Londoners in particular, rely on public transport to get from A-B and a few of the rich ones rely on their cars. However, I am a big bicycle fan, especially for anything upto an hours cycling, which includes my workplace, ten miles from where I live.

Cyclists in London are given a bad press, and who can blame the general public. We're slow, we take up valuable road space and we have a general disregard to any traffic rules. But screw it, cycling is so much more freer than driving in a car. In the rush hour, I am guaranteed to beat anything on four wheels and more to the point I save twofold. Firstly on petrol costs and secondly on gym membership.

All right, cycling is not for the faint hearted, and yes, while I am quite happy to take my chances from Croydon to Trafalgar Square, as a driver of a double decker, I also know the stupidity of other road users. And London really does have inadequate infrastructure for cyclists, especially when compared to the Low Countries, Germany and France. Hell, even Slovenia is a Mecca for cyclists in comparison to dowdy England. And the shocker is that cycling is on the rise in London, despite all of this. Politicians, anyone in power. We need better facilities. And for starters that means decent cycle lanes, not marred by parked cars and that do not suddenly end at the foot of dual carriageway. Also, more places to lock up our bikes would be nice!

However, it is not all doom and gloom in London. The LCN will provide something, although its quality really does vary from borough to borough. For every Tower Hamlets or Kingston Upon Thames (fan-flippin-tastic) there is a Sutton or Richmond (plain-bloody-awful). What is really needed is a message to motorists. A cyclist is essentially a road-based pedestrian. You wouldn't try to kill a person walking in the street so why try to do the same for a cyclist. Knock us down, and we are probably going to get killed.

And for the cyclists out there, don't be scared. You need to be a bit brave when cycling in London town. It's a jungle out there, but like the apes coming down from the trees, we are the future...

Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Kay and the Tapes from the Corporate world

A little word from Kay


And now a lot of words from El Director:

Take a little look at the CWP Website. Go on, take a click. That's it. Did you scroll down the page, take a little look around. Notice anything different? Go on, take another look. Yep, that's it, you saw it too.

Sponsors: Sony.

Now, why would I put Sony on the front page of our website? It is quite simple, Sony have decided to support CWP by supplying what could only be described as a lifetime's worth of tape.

All right, maybe not that much, but I will not have to buy any tape for at least a year!

Thank you Sony!

I am not going to kid anyone. The fact that a company the size of Sony took notice of me is more than just a little flattering.

But there is something far more important than just my ego. For the first time, I (or more accurately, Babarouge) have received something material for my film making. On the grand scale of things it may not be huge. But for myself, as a film maker, I have just crossed a crucial milestone. There is still a long way to go, but maybe it is possible to achieve the dream...

Monday, 18 August 2008

el director's top 3 webisodes

After yesterday's sleepy videos, I will welcome Monday morning with something a bit more worthwhile. El Director's choice of the top 3 webisodes of Caution Wet Paint:

3)The Gift

Great camerawork, a fantastic script by Ari and great music by Nick. Also Ari and Kuldip were on form that day and pulled something out for their parts. It took a long whie to edit, but the result was well worth it!

2)Milk from Outer Space.

This was when CWP went to the next dimension! All kudos to Nick for this one, a great script and fantastic animation. He also created two of the funiest characters on the web - Silvertop and Goldtop. Of ocurse, being the destructive bugger that I am, I have permission to kill off one of these milk bottles!


and my number one episode is:

1)The Milkman

The second webisode in the series and for me, it is the best? Why? Well, it is such a simple webisode, but so worthwhile to watch, and it is where we see Jay and Kay cement their friendship. It was shot under difficult circumstances, but yet the performances were great, the timing was classic and the script shone through.

Maybe I got to stop jumping the shark and actually write properly...

(A few of more webisodes that just missed out:

Poplar Vice
Jay and Kay's Grand Old Fight!
CWP and Knife Crime)

Sunday, 17 August 2008

El Director's Worst CWP's

My mind is far to Swiss Cheesed to go onto the deep and meaningful, which I will do on Wed. So instead, I will do something easy. A list of the top 3 and bottom 3 CWP webisodes:

Bottom 3:


Not really my finest moment. A poor imitation of Ren and Stimpy. Not a total failure, but just not very good.


Again, another parody, this time of the Mac vs PC ads. So poor that I issued an Apology

1)A Short Sketch

This is by far, the worse CWP episode ever. I have never liked it, in fact, in the DVD screeners that I hand out, I normally do not include this webisode. Everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong. But most of all, the script was just plain awful.

Tomorrow, my favourite CWP's!

Saturday, 16 August 2008


First things first, its good to be back from playing “dead”. Just to set the record straight, I am very much alive and well, and have been playing “dead” for the last week for legal reasons. In fact, the situation has now been resolved, but I’ve just had a very nice week disguised as a musician, introducing the folk of the Broadstairs Folk Festival to jazz/folk fusion. (Thanks to the band for some excellent gigs), also thanks to Larrs for stepping in and doing the last weeks’ episode in my absence, (sorry about dem chillies mate, but hey, at least you died with a smile on your face…)

In between gigs, I had a chance to work on my latest album, “Maestro’s Moods – New age elevator music for the Zen Generation”. It’s the B&Q remix, check it out.

Ok, now I’m going to be a drama queen and drop a piano, (sorry, model B3 Hammond organ w. matching rotary speaker) in the works. Yes, very soon I’m going to have to cut back on my contribution to CWP, in fact, stop for the time being….

[cue], gasps, screams, vomit, sound of a stylus being forcibly removed from a record…

Those of you who know me will know that I don’t like to talk about music on a very technical level, so I’ll put in nutshell thus: up until now I’ve held certain values and recently, I’ve started to question the way I value certain questions. New opportunities have presented themselves which have led me to ask myself if I am questioning certain values as effectively as I could be shelling certain nuts. To these ends I have decided to take a sabbatical from playing in order to focus my lifestyle and my playing and try to find some answers to these values before certainty strikes again and I’m left with a pile of walnut shells and a small army of angry squirrels. Oh, that, and I’m also taking a break from music.

Well, those of you who know me better will be aware that what started as a hobby in computer programming has developed to a stage where I have decided to consider it seriously as a 2nd career. Having gained a scholarship to do postgraduate study in computer science I will be spending a good deal of my time on this over the next year, and I am looking forward to doing something else & making new friends outside of music. Despite the jokes about the line of work, I find the act of developing, making and testing new stuff very rewarding on both a technical and artistic level. Yes, a "nerd" is for life, not just for Christmas, and you can use them for a variety of useful functions around the home including lampshades, doorstops and novelty punchbags....

Thank you all for bringing your great tallents to Caution Wet Paint, Two Glasses, East End Tale and The Fight. It has been a pleasure to work with all of you. Of course, Charles & I still have a few plans up our sleeves and I’ll be back from time to time to do some music or just post comments on the forums…

Words cannot really express emotions, so here, in all his majestic glorious unrellatedness, finally, is Brad Mehldau, (Who? What? Its just a load of wrong notes!!!)

Friday, 15 August 2008

CWP: Bondage in memory of Larrs


It is with great sadness that I have to inform the board of Babarouge and the fans of Caution Wet Paint that our current musician, the Jazz expert Larrs Grooven has been found dead, in the Halal Butchers of the Republic of Poplar. Initial reports have placed him at the bottom of a tub of chillies, but we have not received any confirmation of this.

It is with great sadness therefore that we release our latest episode of CWP our one and only collaboration with Larrs Grooven.

CWP - Chilli (The Bondage Episode)

We have already begun to look for replacements for Larrs and have found our latest Maestro, skulling around the streets of New Addington:

He is already up and running on our very own forum and you can tell him how cute he is by Clicking Here and joining the CWP forum.

RIP Larrs Grooven. Aug 10th 2008-Aug 15th 2008

Bondage in memory of Larrs

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Larrs takes a moment to blog

On my arrival in London, I stopped at the local chilli shop and asked for a bagful of their finest chilli pieces. Then, walking to the local Internet Shop, I found out that my partners in film making, Caution Wet Paint was on the screen!

Caution Wet Paint interview live on the DJE179 Channel

Dom is officially a Don and all hail his sheer awesomeness and the fact that he has EVIL eyes! Wahaha! Check out his channel here:

DJE179 Channel

and of course, do not forget the Vlog365 project which he started:

VLog365 Channel


And how could I miss out on Vlog in the Park? WATCH NOW!!! And see what fun I missed.

Oooh, these chillis are rather spicy for my tummy. Oh. Oh-oh. My tummy hurts, quick, I need some milk, help, milk, now, ugh, ugh...

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

The Results of Schiphol

(This is what Vlog in the Park looked like)

While celebrating the apparent death of El Maestro, EL Director got chatting, in da club, with an unknown DJ called Larrs Grooven. Promising fame and fortune, EL Director was pleased to find out that Larrs was far more interested in the bag of chilli that El Director always kept on him, in order to spice up the local cuisine. El Director then revealed to Larrs the secret of his stash. El Director told Larrs of a land, far, far away, where chilli was plentiful and freely available to all...

Excited by the prospect of an abundant chilli supply, Larrs suddenly burst into song!

The Chilli Song - by Laars Grooven!

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

El Director fires El Maestro


After an illustrious partnership spanning four years, El Director and El Maestro will no longer be working together in the film industry. This is due to El Maestro wanting to spend more time with his family and of course has no bearing on their work, which will continue to entertain for decades to come.


After four years of trying to understand each other, El Director and El Maestro have had enough and instead of settling their differences like children have resorted to a game of Russian Roulette.

El Director won.

As part of the celebrations, El Director went missing for 24 hours where he was found lying in a gutter by Lars Grooven. Lars discovered that El Director had a stash of chilli and immediately they hit it off, combining Lars' love of chilli with El Director's love of bondage...

Tantrums and Tizzies at El Studio

El Director has gone to Edinburgh with Lars - our new musician (poor el maestro) And has left the studio...gosh now I have to deal with PR/Million pound deals/the press gosh I mean Heellloooooo - I need a cold compress right now! Where is my relaxing glass of milk??!!!

Monday, 11 August 2008

New Musical Director

Pending allegations of sleaze, El Maestro has been sacked, so we are proud to introduce his replacement...

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Off to Edinburgh

For those not already aware, today is Taste Asia and tomorrow to add to the fun, I am off to Edinburgh to see the Festival, among other things which is going to make this weekend an awesome bout of fun! (el d.)

More on the 'Lars' situation next week...

Saturday, 9 August 2008

Der Director HAILS Lars

Ja Lars is fantastic! His music is just so good, ja! I am currently organising his world tour where he will take in the global sounds of Belgium, France and Spain before heading off (via Schiphol of course) to Aruba, Costa Rica and of course Thailand!

You see, unlike you Brits, we Dutch know how to express ourselves!

Friday, 8 August 2008

CWP Summer Season of Dance Continues!

El Maestro knows only too well what its like being a working musician. Deadlines, bills, mad directors to deal with and only a small private militia of dancing Chilli plants to help realize your musical ideas.

So when I was approached by a Mr Lars Grooven from an up-and-coming underground Minimalist Dutch techno band to produce a short vid to go with their latest song, I was more than pleased to help. Lars is a very shy chap with an interesting taste in hats and shirt design, but I persuaded him to feature in the video with a short "dance" he hopes will sweep the ocean, (just after the mud shark did...)

I hope this keeps you merry until the next Jay and Kay episode...

Yes Charles, I think this would be a great one to play at "Taste Asia".

Vlog in the Park and Taste Asia

As El Director, I am absolutely whoring this event out, but if any of you guys are in the vicinity of Hyde Park tomorrow from 2pm-ish until 7pm-ish, then join us for a little bit of good time and swinging fun for Vlog in the Park.

And no fighting, please!

Final Vlog on Vlog in the Park on on Taste Asia - I promise!

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Vlog 365

It looks like I have to be more blunt than normal. If you click on the following link:


You will come to a new Youtube channel. Just over a month old, it is a brilliant concept pioneered by Dom. A Vlog a year, everyday of the year, a collaboration between different youtubers. Become a regular fan and subscribe, especially as we are regular contributors to the project.

And today, it is our turn to Vlog. GO on, watch and get ready to dance to the beat of Caution Wet Paint!

Our contribution to today's Vlog365

Tuesday, 5 August 2008


Okay, the true stars of Caution Wet Paint took over the vlogging spot for Vlog365 and so we welcome Kuldip and Ari to their rightful place as the Vlog-Masters of a new generation!

Ari and Kuldip on Vlog365

Check out the channel, it's a great concept, and we will be back VLog365 on Thur, so see us then!

Monday, 4 August 2008

We are Blog TV from 10.30am BST (London TIme)

(we'll do a link to our Vlog365 addition later today!)

The problem with having webcam is that it is far easier to vlog than it is to blog:

The VLog

Basic message is: If you are around at 1030am (London?BST) today (4th Aug) then check us out on Blog TV where we will be again, live from the set, trying to be funky and cool!

(That's 3pm/1500 Indian Time and 5.30am/05.30 EST)

Oh, and I will try not to f***ing swear on-set.

Our Blog TV Profile.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Why Milk is Bad for You

It rots really quickly, as humans are the only mammal that drinks milk into adulthood, we are going against the natural order of our bodies and nothing with that kind of emulsion like texture can be good for you.

Plus it comes from outer space.

(Disclaimer: Please note that pasteurised milk rots a lot less quickly and like many fresh foods, rotting can be utilised to make a variety of foodstuffs such a yogurt, butter and cheese. And many useful foodstuffs are partially rotted in order to give it that wholesome flavour. Beer (rotted hops), Wine (rotted grapes), K Fried Chicken (Rotten full stop). The fact that many members of the human race can digest milk is probably due to a selective advantage to avoid famine. The notion that milk comes from Outer Space is an utterly ridiculous concept unless you are a cow that is part of the British Contingent to the ISS)

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Why Milk is good for you?

It counts towards your daily intake of fluids, it is filled with calcium and it tastes great!

(Disclaimer: This is no way an advert for milk or any other type of branded milk product. Drinking milk may be unsuitable for people with dairy allergies or who are lactose intolerant. Jay and Kay's copious consumption of milk is a piece of fiction and in no way reflects the reality of the needs of the actors who portray those roles. Studies have shown that drinking milk can be harmful as well as beneficial, but nothing conclusive has been stated yet and so the milk consuming sections of society will have to make up their minds on this one. The delicious taste of milk is purely subjective speculation and does not accurately reflect the views or opinions of Babarouge Ltd. or any of its minions. El Director purely observed the back of a packet of tea and was inspired to plagiarise it in order to write a new blog for today)

Friday, 1 August 2008

Knife Crime

Hell, we have all had our two cents on the debate, and one of my first articles for OhmyNews where I predicted the rise in violence unless something was done. Of course, this year, the newspapers are fulled with reports of knife crime and one of my colleagues on the Nightbus last week had a knife incident on his vehicle while driving. So far, I have been lucky not to be a direct victim of knife crime, but it is only matter of time until something happens to me that is way too close for comfort.

Yes, I am p***ed off with knife crime. I feel utterly helpless about it. And I despise te people carrying those weapons. But what more can I do. Well, I tried an article, that did not work. I tried a Radio Show and that still did not work. So I am trying a short film, and let's see how that works:

Comedy maybe a solution...

My Article for OhmyNews in January on Knife Crime

Caution Wet Paint takes on Knife Crime: A Video