Monday, 31 August 2009

The CWP Comic - Kung Fu Jay! (Part 2)

Part 2 of Kung Fu Jay. I loved shooting this particular webisode with Ari and Kuldip, as it was a complete laugh to do. I also managed to squeeze out two shorts from one shoot. I am particularly proud of this webisode, and it stands as one of my favourite CWP moments. Why? Well, all the webisodes were scripted from the feature length script. If there was a point in the script I was not sure about, I would write a sketch to test it out. There is a scene in the CWP script which requires a 1930's silent film to be slotted in. And the concept works beautifully, as you can see below

Sunday, 30 August 2009



I am just chilling out on my bed, am so toasty and war, i am on the verge of sleep, I have lost track of the it still Saturday? Or is it now Sunday? This is what happens when we are lucky enough to have a 3 day weekend!! I have to say that I did not go to the Carnival and I am not going tomorrow, El D went so am looking forward to his pics! I am going on a boat ride tomorrow and cycle around, plus am twitching because I have a lot of work to do, and all I have done to today is excavate my room - unbelievable how much I can stuff in to the cupboads above my bed!!!!

I am also going to do some design work, I have been rumbling some ideas in my head for potential ideas for CWP streetwear! Am wk on it...

I also have to say again, how I loved El Director's latest comic, I am looking forward to the Bank Holiday version tomorrow!

Enjoy the rest of this lovely weekend

La Producer xxx

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Summer in the City

Interestingly there is a youtube gathering today in London, but this year I cannot make it. Too much shift work, and the changing of priorities, but good luck to and hope everyone there has a great time.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Awful Food

This morning I got up and cooked an awful fried rice.

My worst ever.

Just thought I would share that un-film related piece of info with you all.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

The Evolution of a Clip

Just a small talk through on how a clip becomes part of a short film. I wanted to share this little bit of film amking, as with this clip (along with a lot of others), what you film is not necessarily what ends up as the final version on the big screen. Unfortunately, due to 'youtube quality', the colour corrections do not come out too great in this one...

Or watch the vid by clicking this line!

Wednesday, 26 August 2009


1) Need to answer e-mails promptly.

2) Need more envelopes.

3) Need some 'petty cash'. For research purposes, of course...

4) Need no sunscreen ;)

5) Need Plov! Mmm, plov...

Monday, 24 August 2009


Hello Bloggers,

Well what a week it has been! The weather has been glorious today and I have been thoroughly enjoying the sunshine on one of the rare days off I manage to have in the week. I ate plenty, relaxed and had a stroll in town!

FIrstly I would like to mention to all our readers that I really enjoy the weekly comics released by El Director, please make sure you check them out, released every Monday! I love them, and I cannot wait till later today when I shall be reading the next installment of Caution, Wet Paint the comic book.

Ok so am off to bed in a bit, am looking forward to hearing from film festivals and seeing all of you in a cinema near you soon...!!!

nite nite la producer xx

Sunday, 23 August 2009

The week, this week

It has been a fairly busy week on the film front. While the distribution took a bit of a back seat this week, I have still been busy with other odds and ends of CWP. However, next week the faffing has to stop as I get back to sending off 'Save the World' to the festivals...

Saturday, 22 August 2009


El Director is sleeping. Still. Or is that 'sleep writing'?

Friday, 21 August 2009

Weather Problems

Rain, sun, warm, cold - Goldtop is curdling with can anyone shoot a movie in this weather. No wonder people head to California!

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Free time?

Hey, yesterday was sunny. So what better to do than catch a movie and hit a diner afterwards. Yeah, just like a kid...

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

El Director is still upto something...

And surprisingly, I am quite happy about the progress so far...despite my notoriously short attention span, this one seems to be going well...all will be revealed later...

Sunday, 16 August 2009

What is El Director upto?

Well that would be telling now, wouldn't it? After all, 'El D.' is notoriously secretive and so he will not go revealing his plans. Yet. But there is a reason for all this secrecy. Not because it is the 'next big thing', nor is it something that will change the world. But every once in a while, an eddy in the air turns into something far more powerful, a gust of wind, that stirs a windmill, that generates electricity, that makes this computer run...

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Something fishy

I'm getting upto something. Something I have not done I a while. I'll tell you all a little later when I've finished...honest!

Friday, 14 August 2009


Too much, brain frying up, need weekend off, cannot happen, hate computer, must kill...

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Selling the Paint (2)

I started this one last week but hey, I got sick. So...who am I making CWP for? In terms of a feature film, this is important, to identify with a market. Is it an off-beat indie comedy. A family story, something that children and adults can enjoy? Is it a political comedy, acting as a piece of social commentary on the Modern Day Babylon or is it a celebration of all things musical, with dancing and different styles of song and lyrics. Well, these are questions that I am going too have to answer, as sooner or later, this story is going to have to get made...

Monday, 10 August 2009

Goldtop fumes

Yes! Idiots! All of you! Especially that fool you call El Director! Who the hell does he think he is! Casting those two idiots, Jay and Kay in a fancy Comic Strip! What! Where is my own comic strip! I am the greatest personage ever to walk on this Earth, and I do not have a comic strip to my name! Watch out 'Director', I am going to kill you!

From CWP Comic Issue 5 - 'The Suitcase'

Sunday, 9 August 2009

Goldtop Returns:

Earthmen! You have annoyed me today! You smell! Of rancid milk! AND I DO NOT LIKE ANY OF YOU! At all! I have been an Odyssey through space! Yes! I have arrived here on Earth! And now prepare down to your new master. ME! And my minion, Silvertop....

Saturday, 8 August 2009

I Feel Funky


La Producer here...I am feeling funky today and in the mood for dancing, oh yeah! I need to hear some of that funky CWP rythmn! I shall be entertaining you all shortly with some dance moves, so watch this space, in the meantime, I want to prepare you for what I shall be doing....

La Producer xx

Friday, 7 August 2009

El Director is rushing around today

I did the NTSC conversion, now I must head to the post office before it shuts. Help!!! Barely had enough time to have lunch!

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Adventures in the TV set.

NTSC. Mmm. Looks like I have to deal with it as part of my distribution strategy. Hmm...

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

El Director is sickly...

I was going be all wax lyrical about my ideas for the feature film, in terms of target audience, hopes and dreams, etc. But I am suffly at the mo. No, it is not Swine Flu (I would not have the strength the write this if it were the case), but an annoying cold. Yesterday I had breakfast in the kitchen, without a t-shirt, and as we are not really experiencing a summer, I caught a cold. Give me a couple of days, and I will be back with all things CWP related!

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Selling the Paint (1)

I think a lot about CWP, obviously, but one of the most important questions is for whom do I make the films for? Firstly, they are for me, I am a selfish writer, but following on from that, who is my audience? This is an especially important question when I tackle the making of a feature film. A investor is going to want to see a return on the money iinputed into any project, so the big question to ask is who is my audience.

There is an answer to that, so join me, 'friends'...

Monday, 3 August 2009

CWP Comic (Issue 4) - Behind the Scenes...

For this comic strip, I decided I wanted to back behind the scenes and in this case revisit our first adventure at The Bus Stop. Enjoy!