A little behind the scenes look vlog. Is that correct grammar?
No. It isn't.
www.cautionwetpaintmovie.com ...lick the bottle...
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Finding El Director
It is not that hard to find me. I am pretty much every where on the internet, just type my name into any search engine and you will see a lot about me and pretty much get in contact with me very quickly. It has happened in the past and has happened again today with an e-mail from an old friend. Part of the reason is that by law, I have to register my company's contact details in a public place and so it is very easy to contact me. But also it is due to the fact that I write, broadcast and film a hell of a lot. Not exactly fame but surprisingly, a higher profile than a few years ago...
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Monday, 27 April 2009
El Director does El Business
Some of you may (or may not) know that I am off on holiday in just under two weeks. And when I go on holiday, I am out of contact with the world. No phone, computer, internet, postcards, whatever, I'm out of here. It is my holiday, and I will go to where I want to go, do what pleases me and generally, relax. Of course, for me relaxation does not mean a five star resort and a beach. That's my idea of hell (the resort bit). Anyway, if I want a beach holiday, I'll head to Seychelles.

No, for me a holiday is adventure, a sense of the unknown plus a little bit of the rough and ready in order to assault the senses and experience something brand new. And it does not get any more new than India. And specifically, India's North East:

Before I go I have to sort out business. With Caution Wet Paint I need a working edit so when I come back I can head for the colour and sound corrections. That is the main thing. Plus I have to get a bunch of blogs ready. While my personal blog will have a long gap in the post, I have to make sure there are enough posts to cover for this fair blog.
But there is also the business for a holiday. After sorting out tickets and visas, the next option is to sort out health. It is India, as beautiful as it is, and as hardy as I am, I still got to look after myself. Injections, Anti-Malarials and health insurance are things which I have to get before I leave. Health Insurance I am normally dubious about. Depending on the destination, sometimes I take it, sometimes I don't, it just depends where I am going and for how long. For the USA, definitely, but for places in Asia and Africa, not so much so. Local healthcare is fairly cheap, and worse comes to worse, just change the ticket to fly back early. I'll see and report back on that one.
ALl right then, off to sort out business. El Maestro is visiting tomorrow...

No, for me a holiday is adventure, a sense of the unknown plus a little bit of the rough and ready in order to assault the senses and experience something brand new. And it does not get any more new than India. And specifically, India's North East:

Before I go I have to sort out business. With Caution Wet Paint I need a working edit so when I come back I can head for the colour and sound corrections. That is the main thing. Plus I have to get a bunch of blogs ready. While my personal blog will have a long gap in the post, I have to make sure there are enough posts to cover for this fair blog.
But there is also the business for a holiday. After sorting out tickets and visas, the next option is to sort out health. It is India, as beautiful as it is, and as hardy as I am, I still got to look after myself. Injections, Anti-Malarials and health insurance are things which I have to get before I leave. Health Insurance I am normally dubious about. Depending on the destination, sometimes I take it, sometimes I don't, it just depends where I am going and for how long. For the USA, definitely, but for places in Asia and Africa, not so much so. Local healthcare is fairly cheap, and worse comes to worse, just change the ticket to fly back early. I'll see and report back on that one.
ALl right then, off to sort out business. El Maestro is visiting tomorrow...
Sunday, 26 April 2009
A Saturday Blog El D?
Ah, you see there was good reason for that...was v. v. busy...gosh, sounding like Bridget Jones....units 51, cigarettes smokes - 22 (v. v. bad), calories 20 (yey! but feel v. v. weak)...was MC-ing event in East London...Vaisakhi...my first Vaisakhi...v.v.v. good...a lot of fun...dancing...music...martial arts...learning a little of a new culture...educational...and entertaining...and shockingly was presenting the event...that meant getting CD's playing...chatting...announcing...easy...really...I did very little work...in fact I was being entertained like most of the crowd...must definitely attend next year...
Friday, 24 April 2009
It may be only 25 seconds, but that 25 seconds could be the difference between a lively response or the kiss of death for my short film.
There are many reasons why I cut finely. An 25 seconds is not a lot, but in a short film of just over ten minutes it makes a hell of a lot of difference.
I was told while doing music GSCE that art is really simple. Make sure there is a good beginning and a good ending and the rest will pretty much follow. Jolt up the audience and let them leave you thinking and entertained. You see, even high brow classical arts have that ethos.
Time will tell if I have learnt. But that is one hell of a chunk out of the short...
There are many reasons why I cut finely. An 25 seconds is not a lot, but in a short film of just over ten minutes it makes a hell of a lot of difference.
I was told while doing music GSCE that art is really simple. Make sure there is a good beginning and a good ending and the rest will pretty much follow. Jolt up the audience and let them leave you thinking and entertained. You see, even high brow classical arts have that ethos.
Time will tell if I have learnt. But that is one hell of a chunk out of the short...
Thursday, 23 April 2009
80% there...
It is exhausting and this week has had a lack of sleep as a result, but I would say that I am 80% of the way on the edit. By next week, I should hit the 100% mark, then comes sorting out the sound. Then (even more evil) the colour correction and the sound clean up. but for now, I am 80% happy with the picture, and that is a pretty good milestone...
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
24 Hours in the life of...
...El Director...

(that's me, yey!)
All right, Tue 21st April was an exceptionally busy day, but I thought I would share it with you, just to show how much you can pack into 24 hours, should you decide to do so.
And so here goes. From 12am-1am, was on the tail end of a shift. It was not a night bus, but what is referred to as a 'late-turn' (starts in the afternoon and finishes early morning). I cycled home, grabbed a quick bite to eat and by 2.30am I was editing Jay and Kay Save the World.

Now, the reason I stayed up late to edit was quite simple. El Maestro. As part of the music composition for the film, he wanted a more accurate cut of the short so he could finalise the music score. Although I gave him a scratch edit last week, the picture had changed very much from that version. It was slicker, some of the lines have been cut out and the rhythm and the beat of the film had changed. It was a lot punchier.
As Nick was going to put some live recordings into Jay and Kay Save the World, I had to make sure he received as finalised a version as possible.
By 6.30am, I had uploaded this draft version to my website. Nick could then download it and see the improvements but more importantly had something to work on in terms of the finalised picture. To be honest, I will be editing and chopping and changing right until the end of May, but I will be only adjusting by frames rather than changing great chunks of the film.
Then recorded a quick video for vlogsup, which is down below on yesterday's post, as Tuesday is my day to vlog.
Slept. Joyful sleep. Got up midday, so got my six-ish hours of sleep. If I am not working the following day, I can happily live off five hours. Otherwise, I need to get seven hours to feel funky. Then back to editing, but a distracted one. Filled with e-mails and other bits of tedious bits and bobs. I suppose I improved on the edit I sent to Nick. A few frames here and a few frames there, plus a more accurate version of the ending. Still, I can see some parts getting changed as time goes on.
Oh, and as our washing machine is still broken, today was also a good day to go to the launderette and wash the clothes. Two hours of washing, and drying mixed in with uploading zip files to the website so Nick has a better idea of where the latest version of CWP is going to go.
Then on towards the evening. After making some phone calls, I took out the family for dinner. As a family, we had not gone out in a long time, so I took them for Ethiopian in order to sample the delights of teff and real coffee at one of my favourite restaurants in London (and the only place in the UK where I actually enjoy the coffee). Often as a family, we are very busy and independent of each other so it was good to actually spend some time together.
And then onto this evening, and to writing this blog before heading back to the editing...
So there you go. A balanced diet, exercise, housework, normal work and film work all fitted into one day, along with a little sleep. Productive, which was the main thing and surprisingly relaxing. Or is that the coffee talking?
(that's me, yey!)
All right, Tue 21st April was an exceptionally busy day, but I thought I would share it with you, just to show how much you can pack into 24 hours, should you decide to do so.
And so here goes. From 12am-1am, was on the tail end of a shift. It was not a night bus, but what is referred to as a 'late-turn' (starts in the afternoon and finishes early morning). I cycled home, grabbed a quick bite to eat and by 2.30am I was editing Jay and Kay Save the World.

Now, the reason I stayed up late to edit was quite simple. El Maestro. As part of the music composition for the film, he wanted a more accurate cut of the short so he could finalise the music score. Although I gave him a scratch edit last week, the picture had changed very much from that version. It was slicker, some of the lines have been cut out and the rhythm and the beat of the film had changed. It was a lot punchier.
As Nick was going to put some live recordings into Jay and Kay Save the World, I had to make sure he received as finalised a version as possible.
By 6.30am, I had uploaded this draft version to my website. Nick could then download it and see the improvements but more importantly had something to work on in terms of the finalised picture. To be honest, I will be editing and chopping and changing right until the end of May, but I will be only adjusting by frames rather than changing great chunks of the film.
Then recorded a quick video for vlogsup, which is down below on yesterday's post, as Tuesday is my day to vlog.
Slept. Joyful sleep. Got up midday, so got my six-ish hours of sleep. If I am not working the following day, I can happily live off five hours. Otherwise, I need to get seven hours to feel funky. Then back to editing, but a distracted one. Filled with e-mails and other bits of tedious bits and bobs. I suppose I improved on the edit I sent to Nick. A few frames here and a few frames there, plus a more accurate version of the ending. Still, I can see some parts getting changed as time goes on.
Oh, and as our washing machine is still broken, today was also a good day to go to the launderette and wash the clothes. Two hours of washing, and drying mixed in with uploading zip files to the website so Nick has a better idea of where the latest version of CWP is going to go.
Then on towards the evening. After making some phone calls, I took out the family for dinner. As a family, we had not gone out in a long time, so I took them for Ethiopian in order to sample the delights of teff and real coffee at one of my favourite restaurants in London (and the only place in the UK where I actually enjoy the coffee). Often as a family, we are very busy and independent of each other so it was good to actually spend some time together.
And then onto this evening, and to writing this blog before heading back to the editing...
So there you go. A balanced diet, exercise, housework, normal work and film work all fitted into one day, along with a little sleep. Productive, which was the main thing and surprisingly relaxing. Or is that the coffee talking?
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Vlogging for VlogsUp
Hey guys, I was v. v. busy this morning, editing away, so instead of a blog, here is a very quick vlog:
Monday, 20 April 2009
The Out Takes (1)
Oh the joy of it! As a director, editing madly through the reels of footage from 'Jay and Kay Save the World' I have the pick of the fluff-ups, the lines gone wrong, the accidents that were not life threatening and the crew acting like the dons that they are! There will be plenty more out takes as I sift through the chaff in order to get to the milky goodness of a short film, but for now, here is the first vid in the batch!
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Think writer, think, think, think!
Okay, this is where the genius in me has to think quick. Two minutes in which to write a piece of prose that is entertaining, thoughtful and provoking in so that I fulfill my readers expectations and entice them to come back tomorrow with the promise of more of the same if not more and of a higher callibre. I cannot talk politics or give cause of concern to my viewers as after all, this blog is something that promotes CWP, not the director's own personal thoughts. I must talk about the processes behind the pain and failing that, at least write something witty and diverting. Damn, already a minute down!
So there you have it. Thoughts, behind the process of writing this blog. Sometimes good, sometimes stressful, but always daily. Until next month when I go on holiday, but that is a different story altogether...
So there you have it. Thoughts, behind the process of writing this blog. Sometimes good, sometimes stressful, but always daily. Until next month when I go on holiday, but that is a different story altogether...
Music Screencast 1
Its 2:30am, fuelled only by dreams of a better life and a bottle of dubious alcoholic substances, el maestro works deep into the night to provide music to the latest Caution Wet Paint offering...
In this first screencast, I take you on a tour of my virtual studio set up and show you how Linux, (for many years dismised as geekware), is rapidly becoming a serious contender in multimedia development...
Warning, video contains tech moments and is not suitable for film-school dropouts.
Remember, Linux is only free if your time is worthless...
-El Maestro
In this first screencast, I take you on a tour of my virtual studio set up and show you how Linux, (for many years dismised as geekware), is rapidly becoming a serious contender in multimedia development...
Warning, video contains tech moments and is not suitable for film-school dropouts.
Remember, Linux is only free if your time is worthless...
-El Maestro
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Every director's nightmare, when trawling through the footage. The realisation that somewhere along the line, I fluffed up, and I need to re-shoot a scene. The organisation required for a shoot is immense, but for a re-shoot is even more painful. The actors have moved on, the crew are nowhere to be found. To schedule everyone in again is a piece of logistical heartache!
Thankfully, this re-shoot required no additional crew. And luckily, I was working with the two best actors in the business...
Thankfully, this re-shoot required no additional crew. And luckily, I was working with the two best actors in the business...

Friday, 17 April 2009
The Rules of Editing
1) If something bugs you, then chop it.
Bad lighting? Wooden acting? Incoherent dialogue? Just chop it out.
2) The bigger the problem, the slicker the cut.
Let us say, that no matter how many takes, you have not got the sequence of events that you need. Well, slick cuts suddenly drop in, and make the picture look fine. Trust me.
3) Encourage your supporting actors.
Often on a film set, you concentrate on the main cast. However, this focus often makes them spoilt and inept. However, the supporting actors, often having no focus on them during the shoot will often outshine the main cast in order to garner the attention of the audience. In the editing, it is these players that come into their own and save a director's blushes.
(Remember that in Jay and Kay Save the World my supporting parts are played by a couple of inanimate milk bottles...)
4) Get music.
Music makes the edit better. Honest.
5) Chuck away the script.
The most important rule of editing. The script is a fluid concept. What looks good on paper and may have even entertained while on set, sometimes does not make it past the chopping room. The pace and rhythm of the piece is far more important than churning out dialogue.
Bad lighting? Wooden acting? Incoherent dialogue? Just chop it out.
2) The bigger the problem, the slicker the cut.
Let us say, that no matter how many takes, you have not got the sequence of events that you need. Well, slick cuts suddenly drop in, and make the picture look fine. Trust me.
3) Encourage your supporting actors.
Often on a film set, you concentrate on the main cast. However, this focus often makes them spoilt and inept. However, the supporting actors, often having no focus on them during the shoot will often outshine the main cast in order to garner the attention of the audience. In the editing, it is these players that come into their own and save a director's blushes.
(Remember that in Jay and Kay Save the World my supporting parts are played by a couple of inanimate milk bottles...)
4) Get music.
Music makes the edit better. Honest.
5) Chuck away the script.
The most important rule of editing. The script is a fluid concept. What looks good on paper and may have even entertained while on set, sometimes does not make it past the chopping room. The pace and rhythm of the piece is far more important than churning out dialogue.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Jay (1): Behind the Camera Lens
Hello Bloggers La Producer here!
I hope when reading this blog, all of our lovely fans are on top form!
Ok, so as you may have read, I have been focusing on a series of behind the camera lens blogs whereby, I take a look at life, on the film set behind the scenes.
So, in a similar thread, I thought I would take a look at the different and colourful characters of Caution, Wet Paint, and go beyond what you see in our webisodes, shorts and features.
Ok, so I am starting with Jay.
Jay is an interesting character, because although he appears to be the more sensible and responsible character, he does have his moments, where he lets go...

He is also a very creative person, with personal ambition to become a comic book artist, which is not easy in today's modern society - both that of being creative and finding your niche in yor chosen field. That aspect of Jay's character is easily relatable, and a characteristic I myself can relate to - being a dreamer!
Finally I would like to say, that like all 'sensible' people, he does have a funky side!
So tune into Caution, Wet Paint: Jay and Kay Save the World!
I hope when reading this blog, all of our lovely fans are on top form!
Ok, so as you may have read, I have been focusing on a series of behind the camera lens blogs whereby, I take a look at life, on the film set behind the scenes.
So, in a similar thread, I thought I would take a look at the different and colourful characters of Caution, Wet Paint, and go beyond what you see in our webisodes, shorts and features.
Ok, so I am starting with Jay.
Jay is an interesting character, because although he appears to be the more sensible and responsible character, he does have his moments, where he lets go...

He is also a very creative person, with personal ambition to become a comic book artist, which is not easy in today's modern society - both that of being creative and finding your niche in yor chosen field. That aspect of Jay's character is easily relatable, and a characteristic I myself can relate to - being a dreamer!
Finally I would like to say, that like all 'sensible' people, he does have a funky side!
So tune into Caution, Wet Paint: Jay and Kay Save the World!
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Silvertop is coming to get you all!

Yes, this is currently where I am in the editing. Silvertop, attacking Kay as part of Goldtop's assault on our fair planet. That means, by the time I get to sleep, all I will have left to do is the dancing.
For shame on me, I got distracted by Sim City. Such is me, the king of procrastination. But it is coming El Maestro, the edit. It will be here and I will buzz you at a sane time this morning!
Monday, 13 April 2009
Nearly Done...well
It will be edited, the first draft will be completed by tomorrow...night...sometime...
Sunday, 12 April 2009
One day left...
I have today and then tomorrow and then I have to make sure that El Maestro gets a copy of the first draft by Tuesday. Them I get to leave it in his hands, the film that is. Yep, that is it, after all the hard work on my part (ha!) and the effort on the part of the actors and crew (haha!) I, the director, gets to sit back and let the musician take care if it.
How come? Well, every good director knows that it is not your skill behind the camera, nor is it your skill with the actor's abilities that makes a good film. It is the musician that saves you.
And so come Tuesday, I might start to grow some hair again...
How come? Well, every good director knows that it is not your skill behind the camera, nor is it your skill with the actor's abilities that makes a good film. It is the musician that saves you.
And so come Tuesday, I might start to grow some hair again...
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Raring to edit?
Right, was wiped out by a 48 hour bug, but it looks as if the worse of it is behind me. Yesterday's blog was therefore a tad optimistic as I stated I was raring to go. In fact, I was fooling myself as I looked down the toilet bowl again with the spirit of gastric 'flu.
Right, now I have got tha off my chest (literally) I think it is time to get back to editing ;)
Right, now I have got tha off my chest (literally) I think it is time to get back to editing ;)
Friday, 10 April 2009
Raring through the Edit
All right guys, El D. here, just a brief blog today. Raring through the editing and should have got a first cut by Tuesday up and running. Then it is sent off to Nick who will start with the music to it, while I get back and start to finely cut it, frame by frame.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
A Poem to Caution, Wet Paint
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
El Director takes a break
A brief one.
Well, not officially a break, but today, I will not be spending that much time editing. I got to get a visa for India, as I am off there in a month's time (fingers crossed). Essentially, that means queuing up in Vicki for about an hour to get a stamp on my passport, but a necessary evil. Of course, while the visa is being processed, I will be having a little bit of fun in the streets of London town...
Camera at the ready, toodles!
Well, not officially a break, but today, I will not be spending that much time editing. I got to get a visa for India, as I am off there in a month's time (fingers crossed). Essentially, that means queuing up in Vicki for about an hour to get a stamp on my passport, but a necessary evil. Of course, while the visa is being processed, I will be having a little bit of fun in the streets of London town...
Camera at the ready, toodles!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Monday, 6 April 2009
Wait and See? Not me!
Lala-Lala, Lala, La-La and so the beat goes on. Visitors to our myspace site would have seen Ari's blog on his thoughts on the aftermath of the shooting process. Yu can see how different it is for actors and directors in the process of making a film. For actors it is a sprint, a well timed event that encompasses the pre-production and the entire shoot. Once that is over, they can kick back, go to another project and wait for the fireworks. They spread their bets and their talents amongst many films.
A director on the other hand gets shafted, proverbially of course. He/She has bet everything on one film. If it is good then great, and if it is below par, then the director has only got that one project to ride on. It is often why you do not see directors coming through until their thirties, it is the turnaround time. So far, on this short film, I have been in Pre-Production for the best part of three months. Talking with cast and crew, organising, getting the test shots done etc. Then there has been around two weeks continuous shooting for the stop motion animation, two and a half days of live action shooting and now onto Post-Production, the editing. If I am lucky, it will be ready by June.
Come on, you know me, am I going to moan about the editing? Hell no! I am loving it like a slag! The manipulation of Jay and Kay's image to suit my wicked little whim,the falling into place of the jigsaw puzzle, it is a thing of beauty and seeing the reactions of those who are the first to watch it. If you get the crowd cracking up 30 seconds in, then I am getting it right ;)
But the advantage to being a director is there is no waiting for Mana from the skies. There is only one person at the helm, no cruise control, and it is action all the way!
A director on the other hand gets shafted, proverbially of course. He/She has bet everything on one film. If it is good then great, and if it is below par, then the director has only got that one project to ride on. It is often why you do not see directors coming through until their thirties, it is the turnaround time. So far, on this short film, I have been in Pre-Production for the best part of three months. Talking with cast and crew, organising, getting the test shots done etc. Then there has been around two weeks continuous shooting for the stop motion animation, two and a half days of live action shooting and now onto Post-Production, the editing. If I am lucky, it will be ready by June.
Come on, you know me, am I going to moan about the editing? Hell no! I am loving it like a slag! The manipulation of Jay and Kay's image to suit my wicked little whim,the falling into place of the jigsaw puzzle, it is a thing of beauty and seeing the reactions of those who are the first to watch it. If you get the crowd cracking up 30 seconds in, then I am getting it right ;)
But the advantage to being a director is there is no waiting for Mana from the skies. There is only one person at the helm, no cruise control, and it is action all the way!
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Time to get Silly
Wait, wait, wait a minute! I (El D.) have been far too serious these past few weeks. So in order to rectify this, and just like CNN, Al Jazeera and every other news organisation, I have decided to launch the Caution Wet Paint News Service. Here we will have perfectly manicured hosts (and all of them are fine!), reporting from the war zones of this world bringing you live, 24 hours a day, 6 and a half days a week, all the latest breaking news...
Okay, maybe we are not as good as the major news organisations...after all, they do fantastic documentaries (which is why I mentioned CNN and AL Jazeera as they are tops for this). The one good thing on TV are the documentaries from the news channels. Not quite the news, repetitive and boring, but an insight into the world we live in. Fascinating stuff. But think about it, if I could have my own newsflash, just for a few seconds, what would be there?
BREAKING NEWS: Alien Milk Bottles invade Earth. Today at 13.46 local time, Two Milk Bottles have injured a London Postman. Details are still coming in, but it seems these Bottles are attempting to Enslave Humanity. We will have more on this story as it develops.
It's probably best that I stick to making films...
Okay, maybe we are not as good as the major news organisations...after all, they do fantastic documentaries (which is why I mentioned CNN and AL Jazeera as they are tops for this). The one good thing on TV are the documentaries from the news channels. Not quite the news, repetitive and boring, but an insight into the world we live in. Fascinating stuff. But think about it, if I could have my own newsflash, just for a few seconds, what would be there?
BREAKING NEWS: Alien Milk Bottles invade Earth. Today at 13.46 local time, Two Milk Bottles have injured a London Postman. Details are still coming in, but it seems these Bottles are attempting to Enslave Humanity. We will have more on this story as it develops.
It's probably best that I stick to making films...
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Photos from the Set
Taking a look at La Producer's Blog and the first picture, it is interesting to see what the crew often witnesses while a shoot is going on.

I am trying to show Kuldip (who plays Kay) how to dance. One of the aspects of being a director is to firstly, think on the spot and secondly, improvise. I am not a choreographer, but I do have a vision in my mind of how I want the dance to look. I love the expressions on the actors' faces. And yes, that piece of footage has been captured 'on film' and will be in the out takes...
Another photo I like from Olivia's blog post is this one:

This is what a film set looks like in between takes and captures perfectly the energy that the crew had while shooting 'Jay and Kay Save the World'. The milling around, the set ups for the next shot. There are a lot of people who do not appear on camera, but who are essential to the smooth running of the film. This is why I like this shot, it shows a little bit of the work that goes into the filming...
I am trying to show Kuldip (who plays Kay) how to dance. One of the aspects of being a director is to firstly, think on the spot and secondly, improvise. I am not a choreographer, but I do have a vision in my mind of how I want the dance to look. I love the expressions on the actors' faces. And yes, that piece of footage has been captured 'on film' and will be in the out takes...
Another photo I like from Olivia's blog post is this one:
This is what a film set looks like in between takes and captures perfectly the energy that the crew had while shooting 'Jay and Kay Save the World'. The milling around, the set ups for the next shot. There are a lot of people who do not appear on camera, but who are essential to the smooth running of the film. This is why I like this shot, it shows a little bit of the work that goes into the filming...
Friday, 3 April 2009
They Joys of Editing

So after two days of procrastination (that actually involved something relatively useful) I have finally begun the edit of 'Jay and Kay Save the World'. Now, I will go into the process of editing later on, but suffice to say, whatever destruction that I as a director have wrought on set, I get to fix the carnage in the editing suite.
Many directors believe in the craft of film making. I on the other hand depend on the deviousness of editing. Unlike a stage play, there is only one ultimate angle that I have to think about – that of the audience. So all those bad takes can be safely ignored, as long as I have already captured that one angle.
And that is where my problems begin! But, that story is for another day...
Thursday, 2 April 2009
La Producer: Behind the Camera Lens for CWP!!
El Director, Jay and Kay on set of CWP - Jay and Kay Save the World!
Hello Bloggers!
Well what can I say? It has been an emotional ride these last few weeks! We have been filming our latest offering for film festivals, Caution, Wet Paint: Jay and Kay Save the World!. A lot of hard work has gone into the production of this fun movie and it is the culmination of over two years of hard work and a great string of webisodes and hit short films!
Having been on set these last few weeks, I have gotten used to life on a film set, and always get sad when it is over! I love being a part of the fun on set - watching rehersals (especially dance rehersals!)and looking at how the characters come to life on film! It is a lot of hard work especially when its cold! And you have to have a lot of patience as there are times when you have to wait for the right weather conditions/need more rehersal time. However, the only other thing I know would bring me as much pleasure, would be designing my range of underwear and jewellery everyday!
So I would like to share some photos with you of the last day on the set of CWP - lets cheer for its success on the film festival circuit and ofcourse CWP The Movie!
La producer xx
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
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