Wednesday 19 November 2008

Caution Wet Paint - Big in Iceland!

As you know, a few weeks ago, we posted up a video in response to the collapse of the Icelandic Economy. This of course was primarily a stab at British Local Government. After all, anyone who lives in London has their own take on the state of the transport network, but the overwhelming opinion is that it is poor. So how come TfL has a spare £40mil sloshing away in an Icelandic Bank Account?

However, the video has also enraged the Icelandic populace of the internet. So, due to the political posturing of El D, Jay and Kay no longer have a hope in hell of experiencing spa life in Iceland. Now, I am not bothered by the lack of Icelandic cash (the Korna is now worthless) but more by the fact that everyone seems to think I am mocking Iceland. No, I am mocking first of all the Byzantine financial systems that rule this world and second the ineptitude of British investors. In particular Local Government in Britain whos role in our lives is to function, not to squirrel money away.

Oh well, let's see that video again...

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