Hey man, I'm a busy director, do you know that it has been ten days since I last got a decent night's sleep? You may have kebabs to fry and parties to attend, but I am busy director, after making my ears deaf with the sounds of 'Jay, it was beautiful', I now have to blind myself by making sure that Kay's yellow jacket is not to yellow. Come on, give us a break here!
But you are a writer as well, and a damn good one! You come up with original and witty musings almost everyday of your life. Surely, it cannot be that hard to talk about that a second time round on this wonderful output known as the CWP blog?
Hey man, that is exactly right! But in addition to all this writing and film making fun, I got jobs to do, and do you know how wrecked my body clock is right now with the around of different shifts I am putting up with? Plus I got to replace the kitchen tap this week as well as check the rest of the plumbing in the house and even seal a shed roof. A little bit of sunshine would be useful right now!
You can't blame the weather or circumstance for your own frustration. Sure, you may be surrounded by frustrations and circumstances, but you chose them.
True. Your point?
So enjoy it! After all, in a few years time, with a ball and chain, you may well look back on this time with a great deal of fondness...
You know what? You may have a point there...
Of course I do! I'm you!
Yes you idiot?
Oh! Hi there! So, I'm confused. Right now, am I meant to be the angry one, or is that you?
I don't know, I've kind of lost the trail a few threads back.
Oh. Well, did we pre-plan this blog?
Nope, about ten minutes ago this was not even in my mind.
You mean our mind.
Yes, my mind.
Not bad for original writing, eh? And to think, I was going to put up a vlog.
Save that for later on in the week, for when you have truly run out of ideas.
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