Sunday 12 July 2009

Distributing Continued

But distributing by itself it no fun. I need a little bit more to inspire me. And so, I have decided to start the Caution Wet Paint Comic.

A twofold reason. Firstly, it keeps my mind on Caution Wet Paint in a creative way. Distribution, to be blunt, is pretty dull. Forms, letters and more paperwork. It takes a lot of the fun out of film making, and so I need that creative buzz. Secondly, there is a lot of material left over from the webisodes that has not yet got used. Hence the Comic Strips, a great way of utilising the unused and old material and retelling the stories of Jay and Kay or getting new adventures out.

Enjoy, the Caution Wet Paint Comic begins tomorrow and introduces our two loveable rogues, Jay and Kay!

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