Thursday 22 October 2009


This week has been a busy week in terms of sending of the film to five festivals. It is a pretty laborious affair, each festival having slightly differing entry requirements. Some want one DVD, others want two copies, some want an E-Pack, some want paper based materials. All in all, there are a lot of hoops to jump through. Some have fees to pay, others are free, but always I need to register the post due to the ongoing postal strikes. And then comes the testing of the DVD's. It is important to sit down and watch the DVD's to see that they play properly.

This time, instead of doing other things while the DVD was running in the background, I actually sat down to watch the DVD of 'Jay and Kay Save the World'. It has been a while since I have actually watched the short film - really watched it. And you know what, I really enjoyed it. It is surprising, but seeing the film through rested eyes, I actually remember why I love CWP so much! Let's get into some film festivals now...

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