Friday 8 May 2009

A significant milestone for El Director

This image could be one of the most important points along the road of Jay and Kay Save the World. For at long last, I have finished the editing. Five weeks after the final live action shooting days, along with a few re-shoots and voice overs the editing process has pretty much come to an end.

And yep, this film hits the ten minute mark including credits. That is a phenomenally huge short film. But for me, I have always viewed this project as a featurette, something which shows the potential of CWP as something more than a series of shorts. Hence the almost epic lengths I am so far tackling.

But this does not mean that the post production sequence is finished. Next comes the colour correction and just as importantly the cleaning up of the soundtrack.

In the editing process I get the final picture that I want, the pace of the film and the sound at an appropriate level. For the colour correction, I had a little life into the picture quality and in the sound correction, I smooth out the bumps and clean up the background static that is prevalent in the recording process. That is going to be a hard task, but it is something I will do after my holiday...

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