Thursday 10 December 2009

Film Festival Roundup

So far, 42 festivals applied to (since July) which equates to just under two applications a week, but by the end of next week, I will be up to 49 which will bring the total to just over two applications per week.

That is (on average) twice a week, burning DVD's, testing them, purchasing the postage and packaging (as well as the DVD's and DVD cases), printing the materials or burning a further media CD-ROM (publicity), heading off to the post office, securing the postage via registration (yes, Royal Mail is really that bad at the moment - paying for normal postage does not ensure jack anymore) oh and don't forget the submission fees to a lot of these festivals. In a bad week, you can be looking at £60 easily being spent on just two film festivals.

And for what?

So far, not much!

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