Friday, 5 August 2011

The Production Meeting

Always, before submitting anything to an organisation or company, a good brain storming is needed.

I would love to say that this would take place in a funky diner with burgers, fries and a shake while the kids play double dutch and dance around the juke box. Of course, the reality is far more prosaic. Cups of tea, lots of paper and spider diagrams.

I am a huge fan of spider diagrams. While most people jerk off on charts, I see things through loops. I don't know how or why, it is just how my brain works. I blame being left handed for the fact that I see things this way, more in spaces, morerandom than through flowing charts and mediums which make me switch off. It is also a lot less logical to think this way, bu in the end, everything fits together

Spreadsheets - pah...and now, time to do my spreadsheets!

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